Lil Bulls 2023 Summer Day Camp
This camp is open for finished Pre K and existing elementary students! Lil Bulls camp runs 4 days a week, Monday-Thursday from 8am until 4pm. Camp starts the week of June 5th and ends the week of July 27th. There is no camp the week of July 3-6th.
To reserve your spot register on this website. Registration will close at midnight the Saturday before the week of camp.
$130.00 per week if registered by the Thursday evening before midnight. After midnight on Thursday before camp, price will increase to $180.
Before and After Care
This service is offered starting at 7am and ending at 6pm and is an additional $30 per week fee.
You can cancel before the first day of camp for a full refund less a $25 non-refundable fee per week. No refund will be issued after the start of camp.

Camp Schedule
Pick Up and Drop Off
Camp begins with check-in at the cafeteria at 8am each morning.
We ask that you drop off no later than 8:45 each morning.
The easiest way in is to come in from the entrance off Martha Road.
Pull up to the bus loop with the awning, there you will park and drop
off your child. Parents need to sign their campers in and out every day, and show a photo ID. Anyone picking up a camper must be on the approved pick
up list. No camper can be dropped off at camp until the camp waiver is turned in to camp.
Camp ends at 4pm with pick up in the same location.
Before and After Care
Before and After Care is available for $30 per week
and must be paid prior to the begining of camp on
the website. Before Care is from 7am to 8am and
After Care begins at 4pm and ends at 6pm.
Daily Camp Schedule
Our daily camp schedule will have our campers
rotating through activities during the day.
Every morning will include math, reading,
and out recreation. Every afternoon will include
reading, arts and crafts, and outdoor recreation.
We do not have staff available to accept campers
at all times during the day. We are moving around
the campus and must adhere to our schedule to
provide all classes with equivalent time at each
station. If you need to pick up your camper for
an appointment please notify the Camp Director
in advance.
What to Wear
Wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. The campers will be inside during some of the day, but they also will be outside playing for 35 minutes twice a day.
What to Bring
Each camper needs to bring their own water bottle. Please bring it with you every day to camp. Campers may want to bring sun screen.
What Not to Bring
Campers are not allowed to bring electronic games, toys,
or anything valuable to camp. We are not responsible for
lost items.

Breakfast and Lunch
Will be provided for free (menus below) or campers can bring their own.
Snack will be provided in the morning and afternoon by the camp.
These consist of cereals, granola bars, goldfish, and
other like items. If your child does not eat these please
bring their own snacks.
Campers with Allergies
If your camper has food alergies please bring snacks
and food for them each day.

Summer Lunch Menu Week of July 10th & July 17th

Summer Breakfast Menu Week of July 10th, 17th and 24th

We are excited that you have chosen the Lil Bulls Summer Camp. We will strive to make this summer fun and educational. We have a wonderful group of teachers and high school students that are committed to making sure your camper has a great time this summer!
Camp Contact Information
Any questions please email Shawn Trent at trents@manateeschools.net
In an emergency call Parrish Community High School - 941-803-9330
All staff are CPR/AED/First Aid Certified and have
completed counselor training.
We expect campers to follow the established code of conduct expressed to campers by his/her counselor on the opening day. Any camper behavior showing disrespect or disobedience to these guidelines will result in counseling from the camp director. The camp director will contact you if your child is unwilling to change his/her behavior, shows a pattern of disobedience, exhibits violent, disruptive behavior or is assaulting (i.e. physically or verbally) other campers. Campers who assault other campers will be dismissed from camp programs with no refund.